
Tag Archives | Andrew Farago

Tonight! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Ultimate Visual History Reception and Book Launch

tmnt11The Cartoon Art Museum, 655 Mission Street in San Francisco, will be celebrating 30 years of mutated turtles tonight with a reception for the venue’s current Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles exhibition. This evening’s event will also act as a launch party for Cartoon Art Museum Curator Andrew Farago’s new book Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Ultimate Visual History. A long list of guests related to TMNT will be on hand this evening, including: “Turtles artists Mark Bode, Ken Mitchroney, longtime Mirage Studios staffer Molly Bode, IDW writer and editor Bobby Curnow, and Nickelodeon’s Ciro Nieli, Irineo Maramba, Felipe Smith, and Megan Casey.”

One of the highlights of this exhibition is the museum is showcasing all of the original art work from the very first TMNT issue by creators Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird. The exhibit also includes cells from the original TMNT television series and art from recently published series.

The exhibit runs until September 14. Tonight’s reception is from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m.

Westfield Comics interviews Cartoon Art Museum curator about Bobby London’s Popeye

Westfield Comics is one of the longest running mail order distributors in the country and when I lived in Wisconsin I was lucky to have their brick and mortar store as my local comic shop. In a nice blending of my old city and my new city Westfield recently posted an interview with San Francisco’s Cartoon Art Museum curator Andrew Farago about the new collection Popeye The Classic Newspaper Comics Vol. 1: 1986-1989 by Bobby London. Farago is writing the introduction for the book. In the interview, he discusses the importance of London’s contribution to Popeye’s history and London’s work as an Underground comic creator. You can read the interview here.

Cartoon Art Museum Curator Andrew Farago profiled in Washington City Paper

Neal Adams cover for Action Comics 419

Neal Adams cover for Action Comics 419

Want to know more about what goes into curating San Francisco’s Cartoon Art Museum? Curator Andrew Farago was recently profiled by DC’s alt-weekly Washington City Paper. Farago gives insight into what it means to be the curator at one of the few museums in the country dedicated specifically to the medium of comics. Next weekend the museum will be closing out it’s 75th anniversary celebration of Superman and during the interview Farago cited his exposure to the Smithsonian’s exhibit during Superman’s 50th anniversary as possible panting the seeds for the possibilities of comics in museums.

“As a kid who grew up near Cleveland, Superman’s hometown, that’s always been an important connection for me. And my first exposure to comics in a museum setting was when my sixth grade class visited Washington, D.C. during Superman’s 50th anniversary, where we saw the Smithsonian’s Superman exhibition, and that must have planted the seeds for me going into museum work. I made sure to include the “I Am Curious—Black!” comic book in our current Superman: A 75th Anniversary Celebration show,  since I saw that as a kid and was thoroughly confused by it. I felt an obligation to baffle the next generation of Superman fans with it, too.”

The full interview can be read at Washington City Paper.

The Superman exhibit runs until September 8. While at the museum be sure to check out the exhibits dedicated to Will Eisner and San Francisco-based illustrator Roman Muradov.

Comic Art Museum
655 Mission St.
San Francisco, CA 94105

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