Oakland’s Cape and Cowl Comics was burglarized early Saturday.

Photo from Cape and Cowl’s Facebook page
Employees arrived to open the shop for business Saturday morning to find the front door had been smashed and nearly 50 comics stolen from the high-value comic wall.
Many of the titles stolen were in CGC slabs. CGC slabs are each individually numbered, so if a slabbed book does turn up it could be traced back to Cape and Cowl. The store is working on an inventory of which issues are missing.
In case the above Facebook embed here’s the list of titles with CGC numbers as of April 28 at 5 p.m.
Walking Dead #171 Pink Sig Variant (9.8) 1243657006
MMPR #0 Green (9.8) 1255498009
Batman Who Laughs #1 (9.6) 1249036006
Star Wars #1 (9.4) 1254485001
Strange Tales #110 (2.0) 1249035003
ASM #1 Golden Record Reprint (8.5) 1249035010
Batman #232 (6.5) 1249035007
Ninja-K #1 (9.8) 1249036004
Luke Cage #166 Lenticular (9.8) 1249624008