The Green Lantern issue 2 was released on December 5 and, much like the first issue, has been met with wide critical acclaim. The story is packed with nods to DC history and little nuggets suggesting a larger mystery is unfolding in the background. Once again, I’ve attempted to dive deep into the ink to puzzle out and annotate the many references Liam Sharp and Grant Morrison have packed into the issue. If something previously appeared in the deep dive for The Green Lantern #1 I’ll refer you to that post for the meat, but will add any second issue specific comments below. If something is new it’ll receive the full annotated The Green Lantern treatment.

Liam Sharp’s cover The Green Lantern #2
Here are all of my Deep Dives so far:
- Deep Dive: The Green Lantern #1 (2018)
- Deep Dive: The Green Lantern #2 (2018)
- Deep Dive: The Green Lantern #3 (2018)
- Deep Dive: The Green Lantern #4 (2018)
- Deep Dive: The Green Lantern #5 (2018)
- Deep Dive: The Green Lantern #6 (2018)
- Deep Dive: The Green Lantern #7 (2018)
- Deep Dive: The Green Lantern #8 (2018)
- Deep Dive: The Green Lantern #9 (2018)
- Deep Dive: The Green Lantern #10 (2018)
- Deep Dive: The Green Lantern #11 (2018) (in progress)
- Deep Dive: The Green Lantern #12 (2018) (release date Oct. 4)
- Deep Dive: The Green Lantern Annual #1 (in progress)
Let’s get to it…
Endgame Plus Dark Phoenix Equals A Secret Wars Film
We can preserve the X-Men and Avengers Universes while still bringing all of the heroes together. The stingers for Avengers: Endgame and X-Men: Dark Phoenix should start setting up a Secret Wars film. Here’s how…
Disney has acquired Fox and with it comes the Marvel’s X-Men and all of the related properties. We don’t know when we’ll start seeing mutants in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but we do know it’s coming. This fact is cause to celebrate for fans who believe the MCU should reflect the comics. For others, (*raises hand*) there’s some hand-wringing as to what Disnification might mean for what’s become one of the more cinematically adventurous Universes under the superhero film genre. We’d be happy if the X-Men stayed in their own Universe (also, I’ll admit I’m one of the few people who would be totally fine with the Spideyverse staying with Sony).
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